We have already seen what the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 will be offering when it arrives. According to Samsung, the Note 7 will come with 4GB RAM. They later confirmed that there will be offering a 6GB RAM model in China which sound impressive but that would be child play if the new rumor about the LeEco Le2S is true.
We know that LeEco is working on a new smartphone and now new rumors are suggesting that the new LeEco Le2S will be coming in with an 8GB RAM. It is said that the device will be running on the Snapdragon 821 chip and will come with 64GB of internal storage as well.
We think 6GB is more than enough and 8GB might be a little excessive but we are still impressed. A leaked image also showed the front of the new device. We know that there will be three color options to choose from, white, red and blue.
Nobody has any clue as to when the device will be arriving.