iPhone iOS 7.1 Update – Have You Seen It?

There had been numerous issues on the new iOS 7. Apple had just recently released the iOS 7.0.3 update. This update brought a fix to the sensors of the iPhone 5S. Owners had reported that the sensor had been off by two or three degrees which had sent the navigation on iPhone 5S into haywire when the owners were playing games that used the sensor.

The update also solved the problem with the iMessange and fixed the iCloud Keychain security feature. The update that was supposed to fix bug had brought some bugs a long with it too. It seems like the effect is different on each device. For example, the iPad Mini experience interface lag while the iPhone 4 owners found sound distortion when they were using loud speakers. The iPhone 5S on the other hand would experience reboots to a white screen while making a call and when receiving a call, the iPhone 5S would reboot into a black screen.

Apple had not said anything on this problem. Users are waiting for the iOS 7.1 update to fix the issues. Hopefully Apple is giving their best effort to provide the iDevices owners a fix as soon as possible.

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