Apple had just rolled out the iOS 7.1 and with it comes plenty of improvements and some brand new features for the users to indulge. On papers, the 7.1 update looks to be the perfect operating syste. However, it turns out to be quite the nightmare, especially when using the TouchID.
As soon as users updated their iPhones, they’ve been reporting on some major bugs affecting the fingerprint scanner. It seems that the device does not record the fingerprint and often displays a mismatch. Users are then forced to revert to the old passcode.
Even when the user attempts to reset the feature by scanning a new fingerprint, the iPhone simply won’t work. In detail, there isn’t any reaction or vibration at all when trying to scan a new fingerprint.
Some users discovered that the remedy is with utilizing the TouchID when the iPhone is plugged in. Of course, that is still yet to be proven. A tech expert shared with us some steps that might fix the issue. They are as follow:
• Create a new TouchID. However, do delete the old one before scanning a new one.
• Restore the iPhone to previous version via a computer through iCloud.
• If issue persists, do refer to Apple service centre.