iOS 7.1 Update: Apple Pays Homage To Evasi0n

An enemy to an enemy is a friend. Such an expression reflects well in the tech industry as Apple went public to sing praises to its arch nemesis, Evasi0n.

It wasn’t that long ago when Evasi0n released the Evad3rs 7, which is the jailbreak for iOS 7. The team of hackers revealed that there are so many flaws and loopholes on the iOS 7 that it is easy to crack.

In detail, the iOS 7 have many security issues which involves Backup, the Certificate Trust Policy, Configurration Profiles, CoreCapture, Crash Reporting, dyld, FaceTime, ImageIO, IOKit HID Event, iTunes Store, Kernel, Office Viewer, Photos Backend, Profiles, Safari, Settings, SpringBoard, SpringBoard Lock Screen, the TelephonyUI Framework, USB Host, Video Driver, and WebKit.

Apple actually listened to what Evad3rs have to say and the pointers made were responsible for the latest iOS 7.1 release. The US tech giant abides by its policy to credit the security researcher who discovered the vulnerabilities in their products. Apple even went the extra mile to publicly thank Evad3rs.

The latest iOS 7.1 update is still fresh from their oven and Evasi0n are probably dissing themselves as jailbreaking the iOS looks to get harder. Protection Status