iOS 7.1.1 Untethered Jailbreak: Wincom & iH8Sn0w Show Off Their Moves

Cydia has various tricks and tweaks to make iOS 7 look and act like iOS 7.1, but iPhone owners still want the real deal!

iOS 7.1 is more secure than the average winkle, proving impenetrable to even Evad3rs. This crack team of jailbreakers hasn’t been able to do the business and so it says it’s going to wait until iOS 8 to bring us the good stuff.

If you have an Apple device and you haven’t made the 7.1 update, don’t bother!

We do have some good signs – Winocm showed his iPhone 4 running on iOS 7.1 (jailbroken), while iH8sn0w demonstrated how he was jailbreaking the iPhone 4S.

There are moves being made, though, so we may well see the 7.1 jailbreak in the future.

What we do need, though, is for jailbreaking to enter the dictionary – we’ve had selfie and twerking, after all!

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