Some people don’t agree with jailbreaking, but others wait slavishly for the next solution to come out. iOS 7.1 has proved impossible to crack, but it’s possible to get a few 7.1 features on 7.0 without the jailbreak.
Cydia has these solutions, one of which is a whole new look to the calendar. If you fancy this, check out
There are also other things you can do to make your iOS 7 device act more like 7.1.
Use Speed Intensifier to replicate the faster animations found in iOS 7.1.
Automatic Flash Indicator makes the iOS 7.1 camera icon flash yellow when the flash goes off.
There’s also the Winterboard theme that updates the 7.0 icons to look like the 7.1 icons.
Head to Hidden Settings 7 to change or disable the parallax settings.
F.Lux tones down the whites on iOS 7.0 that can be just too bright at night. People find the whites in 7.1 a bit easier on the eye and F.Lux gives a good replica.