The iOS 7.1 was recently released by Apple and with it came plenty of security enhancements which was absent from the iOS 7. The irony is that these flaws are spotted by popular jailbreaker, Evad3rs.
Apple took the opportunity to hit back at the team of hackers by thanking them publicly for pointing out the flaws. The company even went overboard by claiming that the iOS 7.1 is unbreakable. This very comment by the tech giant is a huge mistake.
Another team of hackers, known as iH8sn0w, came out a couple of days ago, announcing that they have successfully jailbroken the iOS 7.1. This was first teased by Winocm who posted a video demonstrating the jailbreak. The hacker did say that it wasn’t finalized.
The post was shared on his Tweet and it sparked a conversation with iH8sn0w who also teased the gadget industry by questioning Winocm if they have to unveil the jailbreak for iPhones aand iPads operating on the A5 processor.
Following that Tweet, iH8Sn0w then announced that they have successfully jailbreak the iPhone 4S, iOS 7.1.
As for the huge fan-base, they will just have to wait until the jailbreak is stabilized and released to the public. Evad3rs will play no part in this segment as they already revealed that they will push for the iOS 8 in the future.