Up until today, there had still no iOS 6.1.3 and iOS 7 jailbreak. The jailbreakers had been saying that they were working around the clock to make the jailbreak. However, iDevices owners seem to be tired of waiting.
As reaction to the iDevices owners who kept on urging the Evad3rs to release the jailbreak, @pimskeks tweeted;
“We (@evad3rs) are still working on the iOS7 JB. Just be patient,”
Later on, the tweet was followed by another one that said he was diving. Of course, the jailbreakers are humans too. They do have a life other than spending time on making a jailbreak. The Evad3rs often tried their best to assure iDevices owners that they were working on the jailbreak and they still need time to get it working. At the mean time, the Evad3rs had offered their fans their very own hoodie on at tweet that went;
Still working hard on the iOS7 jailbreak, but in the meanwhile: We’re thinking about making @evad3rs hoodies. Any interest in buying one?
At the same time, iH8Sn0w had been facing his own problem from iDevices owners that had been waiting for his iOS 6.1.3 jailbreak. The unhappy iDevice owner voiced out his feelings on tweeter to iH8Sn0w. However, iH8sn0w had responded to the iDevice owner patiently by saying that he will be releasing the jailbreak before this year ends.
Both of the jailbreaking team had been promising that the jailbreak before this year ends. Urging them won’t make the untethered jailbreak come out any faster. All we could do now is wait and hope that Santa might bring us the iOS 7 and iOS 6.1.3 untethered jailbreak for Christmas. Ok, bad joke.