How far are Blizzard with Warlords of Draenor?

We have seen posts about the various zones and features and have seen the alpha of the expansion. Many people think that they are nowhere near done, however I don’t believe this to be true.

Knowing Blizzard, they will be almost finished with the initial version. By this I mean they probably have all the zones modeled and possibly waiting for textures and possibly other buildings and models.

They are also probably done with the prototypes of the new character models and they really may only need to add a few gameplay elements and story elements. Maybe even a voice actors lines or two.

In reality, they may only need the polish and bug fixes and they may be done. I suspect that Blizzard will release Warlords of Draenor sometime in September or before sue to how complete thir build might be and how Blizzard releases expansions.

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