Half Life 3: We Ain’t Getting Younger You Know!

Similar to Rockstar’s GTA series, Valve Half Life franchise also have an enormous fan base. Speaking of which, the fans are pulling every strands of their hair in frustration since there is yet to be any announcement on Half Life 3.

The third title will complete a trilogy if it were to be released. However, everything that relates to Half Life 3 is nothing more than mere speculations and rumours. It is a big mystery to why there isn’t a Half Life 3. It can only make sense to bring out a third title and complete the trilogy rather than leaving the entire franchise ending on a ‘2’. Even if Half Life 3 is not as good as its predecessors, we all know the game will still sell and challenge the record created by GTA 5.

The latest Half Life title was released about a decade ago and there has been a long spell of silence ever since. It is worrying for both gamers and fans of the game. If Valve is really into creating the Half Life 3, then they better hurry. This is because the age gap of its fan base is continuously getting bigger. Secondly, the hopes of fans are dying every second. I mean no one wants to play the game at 50 years old right?

Majority of the players who started with the first two titles back then are entering their late 20s already. Some are married while others are busy with their career. However, deep down, they still want the third Half Life. With more responsibilities as an adult, that desire for Half Life 3 might just disappear as a result of the silent treatment.

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