Half Life 3: Conspiracy Theories Is Now ‘The Method’

Half Life fans waiting for Half Life 3 are now spamming many gaming forums on their conspiracy theories for Half Life 3. Apparently, they believe that if they can come up with the right conspiracy theory, Valve will be going public to confirm on it.

The inspiration came from Portal 2’s recent announcement which came right after a conspiracy theory surrounding the game turned gold for Portal fans.

In detail, one Portal fan discovered Portal 2 in the form of an Easter egg in an ARG title from Valve and came out with a conspiracy theory on it. Valve then admitted that Portal 2 is in development and confirm that the conspiracy theory was spot on.

This has got the Half Life fans moved as there is now a possible method for them to get confirmation on Half Life 3. To non-Half Life fans, the method might sound ridiculous but after going through more than a decade of wait, the Half Life fans have got nothing to lose.

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