GTA 5 PC Will Have Blizzard Feature That Was Left Out Of PS3/Xbox 360?

GTA 5 arrived for the PS3 and Xbox 360 some months ago but has been absent on the PC, PS4 and Xbox One. It is thought that if GTA 5 is being made available on the next gen consoles it will arrive this year.

Owners of PC showed their disappointment at having to wait for GTA 5 but the PC should be getting the game if past release patterns are anything to go by. PC gamers are typically the last to see games after the consoles. Owners of PCs did let Rockstar hear their voices, but the developer has not responded.

This could mean that Rockstar is developing GTA 5 for the PC. If they were not then surely they would have come out and made a public announcement.

CinemaBlend leaked hints about GTA 5 on the PC when they said that dumped data had been seen by way of XML code that came from the console version of GTA 5. This coding was said to have been dumped from the PC even though the game was made for the Xbox 360. Rockstar did have to utilize the entire console for GTA 5. Out-dated hardware in the console is not able to support major additions other than what is already there. However, one finding was weather.

In the XML coding there was Blizzard weather and this is not present in the console version of GTA 5. Snow is on all platforms but blizzard is solely for the PC. Thanks to the fact that GTA 5 used the entire console the coding cannot be rendered.

This points to the coding being meant for devices that are higher end and this can be achieved on the PC. Along with this, a common folder was seen and this is said to have data for the vehicles, actors and weapons and the structure is complete, which suggests that the PC images are in place.

The leak could point to the PC version of GTA 5 being not too far away.

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