GTA 5 Online: Hardship & Struggles Are All Too Real

GTA Online is currently the most popular multiplayer online game on the consoles right now but it seems that the players are growing unhappy by the day. Apparently, this is because of the hardship they are facing in GTA Online that they feel is stupid.

One player revealed that he was on PS4’s GTA 5 Online and was attempting to complete the mission ‘Titan of a Job’. The mission requires him to get inside the airport but he cannot crash through the fans like how it was back on the Xbox 360 and PS3. The only way through is to jump at a specific ramp with little luck on success.

Then there are the NPCs which are violent and powerful in every way. Whenever a player scares an NPC, they will panic and kill the player immediately. A gamer pointed out that he was driving in GTA 5 Online for the Xbox One and crashed with an NPC. The latter then ran his car like a bulldozer and there is no way to counter it other than death.

On a final note, there are the usual GTA Online players that love to pick on other players on a mission. Thus, this makes it hard for the players to progress and wonder on why missions can be disrupted in GTA Online.

In short, GTA 5’s multiplayer mode on the current gen consoles doesn’t make sense at all. GTA 5 fans are crying for Rockstar to re-balance the game and make it more realistic and offer more protection to the low-level players. Protection Status