GTA 5 Cheats: Here Are 3 Things You Gotta Try!

GTA 5 is indeed the game that has no boundaries. The moment you’ve completed the main storyline, the world of GTA offers endless possibilities. Today, we are going to look into some activities you can attempt while playing the game. Instead of diving into the deep blue to challenge a shark, we have come up with interesting things that make fun out of the bugs and glitches that are unfortunately in the game. Listed below are the 3 must try things you need to do.

Flying Taxi: Stop going through the hassle of stealing a plane at the Airport to do your parachuting. Now all you need to do is call a cab. Once the cab has arrived, open up the map by pressing the start button and create a waypoint at the edge of the map, far into the ocean. Get the cab driver to go to the waypoint and skip the whole journey. You will find yourself leaving the cab in mid-air in the middle of the ocean. If you have a parachute, then glide around. Either way, most who tried ends up getting eaten by a shark. That’s GTA 5 for you!

Invincibility: That’s right. Even though it is only partial, players can get a feel of being invincible without having to use any GTA 5 cheats. Apparently, there is a secret place in Rockford Hills. Head on to the top of Bob Mulet’s Salon building. You can get the spot by following an invisible wall. Once there, have fun creating a chaos and get your wanted to maximum star. Rest assured as the glitch actually allows you to shoot out of the wall and protects you from being shot at the same time.

Car Catapult: This glitch is definitely something for you if you’re looking for something fun to try. You need to drive a sports car into a certain automatic gate in the Rockford Hills to pull this off. Also, it is best to keep trying to drive the car into the side of the gate it’s opening from. If done correctly the glitch will send your car flying across Los Santos skyline. Pretty awesome once you try it. However, it can be fatal for your GTA 5 online character.

Are there any other GTA 5 glitches that you have come across? If so then sound off in the comments below!

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