Some might say that the all-new Nexus 6 might be too big for a smartphone but for Google, the manufacturer believes that the Nexus 6 is the first step into a new “mobile-only” future.
This is how Google’s Chris Yerga described the Nexus 6 during a presentation in Taipei, yesterday. The lad explained that growing nations like India, Indonesia and many other Asia Pacific countries does not utilize the PC on a wide scale. The birth of smartphones appears to be the only affordable, cheap and effective way for the citizens to learn, work, entertain and play.
Chris then added that the Nexus 6 is that revolutionary device for the mobile-only breed. It is large enough to offer viewing satisfaction when working or playing. Heck, the device can be a portable TV just by itself. According to Chris, having a large screen is the first step to more innovations that will allow a smartphone to replace a TV and a computer.
Chris then highlighted on the Nexus 6 prowess which questions the need of tablets. Being larger than a smartphone, Chris explained that tablets too need to upgrade themselves to be the complete, all-rounder gadget with more to offer.
True to his words, the Nexus 6 is a phenomenon for the mobile industry. It is not only a large smartphone but is also a fully-functional tool that is built to cater the masses. Google showed vision through the Nexus 6 and it made many forget about the recently released Samsung Galaxy Note 4.