Google Android M: M For Macadamia?

It does not need any confirmation to know that there will be a new Android OS coming out later this year and it will replace the Android 5.0 Lollipop. The upcoming Android OS is going to have a name that starts with the letter ‘M’ but what could it be?

As we all know, every Android version is named after a sweet treat and it is difficult to think of one that starts with M. This was the case until an insider from Google shared with us that the next-gen OS is going to be known as the Android Macadamia Nut Cookie.

If acronyms are used, then it will be known as he Android MNC. MNC is also short for Multi-national Corporation and this reflects Google status in the business world. Hence, it is very likely for Android M to be Macadamia Nuts Cookies but this will only be confirmed at Google I/O next month. Protection Status