Fallout 5 Will Look Late Again?

We can’t help but feel that the game Fallout 4 was kind of late to the party. When most of the AAA games were boasting about their amazing graphic, the developers of Fallout 4 decided to ignore the whole graphic thing and focus more on continuing the story.

While we do agree that story is important, we think that the graphic of the game is also equally important especially for AAA games like Fallout 4. We already knew that they were going to use the Skyrim engine for the game so were not expecting the best but it is disappointing to see such a popular game looking less than impressive.

Let’s hope that the next Fallout game will match what the market is offering in terms of graphic. The fans were also a little disappointed that Fallout 4 did not seem to bring anything new to the table and that the game was basically just a continuation of the previous game and nothing more.

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