If the rumours are right, we might see Evad3rs release the untethered jailbreak for iOS 7 before the JB for iOS 6.1.4.
Winocm was tweeting about the progress on jailbreaking iOS 6.1.3 and 6.1.4. He said that these JBs should be out before the year’s end, and also, now that iOS 7 is out, Evad3rs are working on it already.
Winocm said that the team had all the pieces in place: “At the moment the team are not sure, but time will of course tell,” This last statement could relate to the release date.
Evad3rs said they were confident that the jailbreak would be with us soon.
There are a few sites offering the iOS 7 jailbreak already, but as we don’t know which ones are legit, it’s best to wait for the trusted experts!
There are those who say that with Apple constantly updating iOS 7, getting a jailbreak isn’t essential, but there are just as many people who want the various perks.
iOS 7 released in June at WWDC, and brought lots of new features and improvements, including iTunes Radio and Control Centre, as well as a new design and interface.
Despite this, there have been quite a few reports of users being unhappy with iOS 7, as it does bring some problems as well.