The Elder Scrolls franchise has long served the world as one of the best RPG series in history partly due to its enormous world and extremely rich storyline. However, the latest Elder Scrolls Online took the series on a different direction as it became the first in its line to come out as an MMORPG title.
Majority of the fans are clearly in distraught as they feel that Bethesda should focus on creating Elder Scrolls 6 instead of making a lot of profit from online gaming. Many gamers felt that the Elder Scrolls series is supposed to be a fantasy world for a single player. Sharing it with other players simply ruins the gaming experience.
While the status of Elder Scrolls 6 remains unknown, the Elder Scrolls Online game continues to get Bethesda’s undivided attention. The game developer had just released the fourth update for Elder Scrolls Online and it added in many new contents into the game.
In detail, the update open the roads to Upper Craiglorn, added a conclusion for the Celestial and a new trial called Sanctum Ophidia. The latter, in particular, allows players to fight the deadliest enemy in the Scaled Court. Overcoming the challenge will grant players a lot of valuable loots.
Also there is the all-new Dragonstar Arena which puts different players together as they aim to survive waves after waves of enemy attacks. Also, the enemies will be the deadliest among the ranks.
Other new features include grouping improvements, a number of fixes and also a new trait for crafting. Then again, none of it matters if you are looking forward to Elder Scrolls 6.