Cyberpunk 2077 Arrival Date Too Good To Believe

We can’t wait to see what CD Projekt Red will have to offer in their upcoming new game Cyberpunk 2077 and while we are all hoping that we won’t have to wait long for the game, the rumored release date right now is just too good to be true.

If what CD Projekt Red said they want to offer, which is a game with a much bigger world than the witcher and tons of new features, we were definitely not expected the game to be release this year.

However, Gamereactor Germany has now suggested that the Cyberpunk 2077 game will be arriving late this year for PC. There was no mentioned about whether the console version will be released the same day or not.

As good as it sounds, we are going to take this news with a pinch of salt first until we receive more details about the upcoming game.

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