iPhone users will be taking a huge risk when performing a jailbreak on their smartphone. Despite that fact, many users have been cracking their iPhones for the sake of getting total control of it.
Jailbreakers who are currently running iOS 6.1.3 through 6.1.5 can start smiling as Posixspwn is now released. The iOS 6 jailbreak developed by Ih8sn0w, Winocm and Squiffypwn are all being updated with the Posixspwn.
At first, this cracked iOS was only available with Jay Freeman’s Cydia app installation repository. After much tweaking, the Posixspwn can now run on any OS X 10.7 lion desktops and above. As for the Windows version, the team of hackers are still developing it.
The Posixspwn is the biggest jailbreak yet and iPhone users can start enjoying it immediately. It won’t be long until it gets release to the Windows desktop. As for the iOS 7, jailbreakers have to wait just a little bit longer.