Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 PS4 Date

The new Resurgence Map pack for the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 should be arriving in June on PC and Xbox One, so when will the Playstation 3 be getting the update?

Based on what we have seen in the past, the Resurgence Map Pack update for the Playstation 3 should be arriving one month after it is released on the Xbox One but if that is not specific enough, seems to have a more specific date to offer.

According to, the Resurgence Map Pack for PlayStation 3 should be arriving in July. While the one-month exclusive period should end of the 3rd of July, they predicted that the update will only be arriving on the 6th of July.

That is because the 6th of July falls on Tuesday and Tuesday is usually when Sony likes to release their updates. We will have to wait and see if they got it right. Protection Status