Call of Duty: Ghosts Won’t Do Offline Xbox One But Haunts PS4

Xbox One is making its way for a release in a couple of week’s time and there have been a lot of rumours and speculations on the device going around the blogosphere. New issues are beginning to surface while the console developer Microsoft is still addressing the already leaked resolution of the console.

The latest to hit Microsoft is the offline gameplay feature. Apparently, the upcoming much-anticipated title Call of Duty Ghost (CODG) can only support online play based on a leak from the popular Twitter account belonging to Moonlight Swami. The user got the console prior to launch due to a mistake in some distribution. While already revealing a lot on the Xbox One such as the dashboard, Moonlight Swami continues by Tweeting that the CODG will not run without any connection to the Xbox Live.

While this issue has been resolved by Microsoft trough rolling out an update that will remove the DRM restrictions, the problem actually lies with CODG which in hand needs to run on 100% online connection.

Swami further quoted on his tweet that his Xbox One is banned so he can’t run on Xbox Live and there is nothing he can do about it. Protection Status