Rockstar have excited fans by confirming that they are working on a new IP. A large number of fans believe that the IP may be either Bully 2 or Red Dead Redemption 2. There are a few that think it could even end up being GTA 6. Even so, these games aren’t likely to be released any time in the near future.
It could also be that the IP in question could end up being the Agent and these are the reasons why.
Back in 2009, Sony first spoke about the game so it could be completed around now. Another reason is that the game’s trademark was extended by Take Two a little while back.
Sony have stated that the game will be exclusive to the Playstation. There has been no further information released about the game. Therefore, it could mean that now five years later, production on the game has been completed.
The game’s development has also been confirmed by Rockstar’s Italian website, however they didn’t tell us when the work would be completed. CEO of Take Two have suggested that work on a Rockstar title could be underway as well and that it will be coming out on the Xbox One and the PS4.
The IP that Rockstar have been talking about is looking most likely that it is going to be Agent, considering all the hints that are pointing in that way.