It has been a long nightmare for the AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note 3 users. For months now, the users have been tolerating with a major bug and this will continue to be the case until AT&T releases the Android 4.4.2 KitKat.
The bug is known to affect the GPS service on the Galaxy Note 3. When utilizing the GPS, a simple network switch will disrupt the GPS service entirely. It is the same case whenever the user plugs in or unplugs a USB charger to the phone.
Ever since the bug was first spotted, users have been reporting to AT&T but it is still unfixed. As every day passes by, more and more phablet users fall victim to the bug. Some even snapped and filed a petition on to force AT&T to roll out a fix. Things got much worse with AT&T still selling the plagued Galaxy Note 3 without acknowledging the customers.
The major US carrier certainly messed this one up. Such an issue is not faced by Note 3 users on other telcos. It seems that AT&T does not have a fix and is hoping that the Android 4.4.2 KitKat will be the fix itself.
At the moment, the KitKat is nearing its release to the Samsung Galaxy Note 3. If only AT&T addresses the issue from day one, such a scenario will be avoided.