Apple Watch To Breed A Lazier Population?

The Apple Watch is currently being groomed to make its debut and when it arrives, the wearable is going to introduce many great and new features in the tech industry. Somewhere along the road, the Apple Watch too will get the ability to gain complete control over a light bulb.

This was confirmed by Philips Hue when the company revealed that they are working on an Apple Watch app that allows users to switch a lightbulb on, tinker with its color and brightness, or flip it off without ever having to leave the couch.

Once this app gets released, it will make the Apple Watch an ultimately convenient household device to own. Then again, there is a risk for such application to create a lazier human population.

Regardless, the Apple Watch is expected to create wonders once it makes its debut in April next month. Stay tuned for our review on the Apple Watch. Protection Status