Apple Car Confirmed With Ownership Of New Domains

There have long been rumors about Apple working on an Apple Car but so far, there was no real evidence that Apple is really working on one but new reports about Apple owning a few new domains might be the prove we need that an Apple Car is not that far away in the future.

According to MacRumors, Apple now owns the domain,, and The pages are not up yet but this domain now belongs to Apple. This might be the evidence we need to prove that Apple is working on an Apple Car.

It was previously speculated that Apple is working on a new Apple Car codenamed Project Titan that will be arriving in 2019. It is believed that the electric powered Apple Car is already under development right now.

However, before you get too excited, bear in mind that there is a possibility that Apple is just trying to acquire the domain so that others won’t used try to cash in on them. The domain might also be park of the CarPlay tech for cars as well.

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