Ford once said that they are aiming to produce 12 new high performance cars in the near future and this will start with the Focus RS, which is due to arrive in Q1 next year. Following that, we are expecting Ford to produce the Fiesta RS.
The rumours are rife in claiming that the Fiesta RS is already in its development stages and it will be making its debut in 2017. Also, the Fiesta RS is said to run on the same 1.6L 4-cylinder EcoBoost turbocharged engine that is being used on the Fiesta ST.
The only difference here is that the 1.6L unit for the RS will have more ponies to offer. Instead of just 199hp, the engine can pump out about 250hp.
Even if the rumours are right, we don’t think that the small hatch will run on the AWD system like the Focus. Ford will stick with FWD with the Fiesta RS but with better equipments under the hood. Are you excited?