2016 Apple MacBook Pro: Repairing The Damage

Apple fans got all hyped up when somebody pointed out that there was a new Apple MacBook Pro hiding in the background of one of their videos.

It all started with the video. Apple wanted to show their fans what goes on inside the office of Jony Ive. In the video, there were moments where the camera was pointed towards an Apple laptop that was sitting in the background.

Some fans pointed out that the laptop does not look like any of the Apple laptops we have right now. That lead to many believes that the laptop in the video is the new 15inch Apple Macbook Pro that many believe that will be offering this year.

Well, Apple later came out to clarify that the laptop in the video is the old MacBook Pro and not a new upcoming model. While the explanation made sense since it is unlike Apple to leave a product out in the open for all to see, some fans think that Apple just made a blunder and are now trying to cover up the mistake.

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