2016 Apple MacBook Pro: Are They Leading Us Off The Track?

What was suppose to be a short peek into the office of Jony Ive turned into something big when some fans reported that the Apple Macbook seen in the background of the video was the upcoming new MacBook.

It was pointed out that the MacBook in the video was unlike any of the MacBook we have in the market so far and that it looks bigger than 13inch which led many to believe that the MacBook was the rumored 15inch Apple MacBook Pro.

However, Apple came forward to clarify that the MacBook in the video is indeed the old MacBook and not a new model. It is believable since it is unlike Apple to leave one of their product out in the open for the world to see before they are ready to announce it.

But some fans still seems to believe that Apple made a mistake and is now trying to throw us off the scent until they are ready to unveil the new Apple MacBook Pro.

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