5 Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich Features We Love

There has been a lot of debate about Ice Cream Sandwich AKA Android 4.0 so just what is all the fuss about? Basically there are numerous pluses for upgrading or buying a phone or tablet with the Android 4.0 operating system. Let’s explore them.

List of Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich features we love

Multi-tasking: One of the most talked features of Ice Cream Sandwich is its improved multi-tasking. On previous versions of the Android OS users were unable to check out which apps they had running so intuitively. Closing these apps was also difficult and meant digging through menus. This has changed thanks to Android 4.0 ICS and now finding and closing apps is not only very easy but also very satisfying.

Camera: The camera application with Android Ice Cream Sandwich has also changed for the better and users report that it feels like a new camera. Users are now able to take pictures fast and with no lag on the shutter and you can keep the shutter button pressed down to make sure you get the photo you want.

Notifications: While notifications on handsets running ICS have not changed one thing that has is how you  manage them. Having read the notification, you can now individually swipe it away instead of dismissing them all at one go.

Better looking: There is now a style guide set out for apps which means that they look superb. While the range of apps for ICS is low at the moment, this library will increase and the change will stand out.

Google Chrome: Chrome has been added and is one of the unified apps. If does not come already installed but any device running ICS can only download it.

Other nice touches include the overall holographic UI of Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich as well as the use of the new Roboto font which makes reading text that much easier on the eyes and cleaner looking. Then there are other little nice touches like Face Unlock. Did we miss out on any other major changes that can be seen in Android 4.0? Sound off in the comments below. 

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