Uncharted 4: Naughty Dog Must Tread Lightly

Naughty Dog is currently busy developing the highly anticipate Uncharted 4 at the moment and with so much expectations and hype for the game, there is high risk for this upcoming sequel to be a failure.

Throughout the development, Naughty Dog has been teasing the fans with many promising things coming into Unchartered 4. Then, there is also the part where this upcoming AAA Playstation-exclusive title will optimize the powerful PS4. With all the expectation set so high, there is a chance for Unchartered 4 to be a failure.

To avoid such a scenario, there are three things Naughty Dog has to keep in mind. They are as follow.

1. Predictable Plot

The first Unchartered trilogy has been rather predictable. There is always an early betrayal, a supernatural element, a below-par boss fight and many more. There is no wrong in repeating the same feats but Naughty Dog has to jumble them up to make the game more unpredictable.

2. Protagonist

Let’s face it, people are starting to get tired of the draggy storyline surrounding Nathan Drake. The Mass Effect franchise is able to do away with Commander Shepard. Unchartered 4 should do the same and start fresh with a brand new main character.

3. Stealth

Sneaking around your enemies in Unchartered has never been a great experience. It seems like the AIs know where you are without even looking at you. Naughty Dog should look into this and tweak it accordingly. Best role model would be with The Last of Us which was thoroughly great.

There you have it. Three things that should be tweaked to avoid making Unchartered 4 a failure. Naughty Dog should give this some serious consideration. It is all up to the game developer now. Will they make it or break it?

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