Mass Effect 4: Political, Criminal Or Just Epic?

The highly anticipated Mass Effect 4 is certainly a mystery to the fans. The game developer, Bioware, revealed that Commander Shepard and all his cronies will be retired from the franchise. As such, Mass Effect 4 will be a brand new adventure surrounding a whole new protagonist.

Fans of the Mass Effect series are excited for this upcoming title. They have been actively discussing with each other in a bid to plot out the game’s storyline. One fan suggests Mass Effect 4 to have either a political or criminal plot. The game might take place after the reaper war and there is severe unrest across the galaxy.

Redditor Koorah calls for Mass Effect 4 to have a ‘Firefly’ scenario where a crew full of rejects and misfits becomes part of the player’s crew. In fact, the storyline will have a more criminal approach where the protagonist is more of a rogue character.

Another fan known as KYCygni wants a more personal storyline. Instead of becoming a galactic hero, the story focuses on how the protagonist tries to survive the turmoil. This is in reference to Band of Brothers or Generation Kill where a side story influences the bigger picture.

Redditor TweaktheReaper sees the Mass Effect franchise like a mech-themed anime where something will often try to wipe out the galaxy and a hero is there to prevent it from happening. The fan expects the same to happen in this upcoming game.

Finally is with Omega36Dar who confessed that he is a sucker for political intrigue and crime drama. The lad felt that there is no way to better the Reaper wars.

All in all, the fans are definitely excited with the prospect of Mass Effect 4. After going through the whole trilogy, the fans are well assured that Bioware will definitely create the best Mass Effect game yet. Protection Status