Half Life 3 Expected Hurdles

Half Life 3 can have the honorifics as one of the greatest mystery in modern day history. Just about everyone is wondering why Valve is taking such a long time to create a Half Life 3 game. It has been 10 years now and there has yet to be any official announcement from the game developer.

Some fans hinted that the game writer is has no clue on what kind of storyline should fit Half Life 3. Half Life 1 has been about escaping City 17 whereas the second title was about destroying Combine’s Portal and retrieving Borealis. Half Life 3 should continue from where it left off and answer to all the unanswered questions from its predecessors. Fans believe that Valve can do so. However, the game developer has to be careful as poor ideas will simply destroy the franchise.

Aside from the storyline, there is the Source 2 engine. It is no secret that Valve is developing the Source 2 engine and creating a game engine is no walk in the park. A lot of time is required. This is the likely reason for the decade-long wait.

On another note, there is also the Steam Box. Valve’s very own gaming console has been on the blueprint and is now materializing. The game developer could be occupied with major projects like this one.

Nevertheless, all the fans ever wanted is for Valve to come clean. The game developer can simply eased the tension by confirming Half Life 3 status and the franchise future.

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