Half Life 3: Newell Disappoints After All The Hype

It is finally over. The very last hope for fans to find out about Half Life 3 has been shattered. Gabe Newell somehow managed to go through the highly anticipated “Ask Me Anything” session without revealing even an atom about Half Life 3.

While most Half Life related questions get ignored, the closest fan got was a reply that doesn’t even have any relationship with Half Life 3. The Redditor, Ruwin, claims that he has not showered ever since he took a picture with Valve’s Co-founder back in 2011. Ruwin then ask about Half Life 3.

Gabe responded to that question by simply commenting, “That’s a long time not to shower”. The huge Half Life fan base is clearly left in frustration as they spammed chants, “Ignoring Half Life 3 intensifies”.

It is unsure on why so much secret to Half Life 3. Gabe didn’t even let a tiny little slip on the matter. When it involves other subject, the co-founder was like an open-book.

One non-Half Life title also got recognition and it is Gabe’s desire to see Twitch Play hosting Dota 2. Come to think of it, that is really interesting.

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