GTA 5 Online: ‘Giving Gifts’ Feature Requested For 1.1 Patch

GTA Online is very popular with gamers and while it has been some months since it launched it remains as popular as ever.

Since its arrival there have been issues and this led to Rockstar asking players to give them some feedback. Now GTA Online is more stable and Rockstar has started to roll out DLCs.

Some gamers have mentioned that there is a feature that needs to be put into GTA Online. This is the option to gift a friend or a crewmember. This is not just money, but also cars and apartments could be included and given out as gifts.

Perhaps Rockstar will have been looking into something like this. Gamers have said that the option to provide for someone could make the game that bit more interesting. However at the same time it was pointed out that it could make some people beg, more so if they are debt.

It does seem as though it would be better if you could help out a friend. Rockstar could be considering this but for now gamers will have to wait and see what they offer by way of DLCs. Protection Status