GTA 5: Gusenberg Sweeper Confiscated After 1.1 Update

There have been a number of complaints over on the support pages of Rockstar about the fact that the Gusenberg Sweeper has gone missing from the inventory of gamers following the update to GTA 5.1.1 but Rockstar are aware of the issue.

It seems that the issue does have something to do with the update as gamers have said that the weapons go missing once they have updated. Another gamer also pointed out that the Vday business shirts had also gone missing following the update. It was pointed out that they will disappear from the inventory when wearing a tie. Just take the tie off and the Vday business shirts will reappear in the inventory. This seems to be a bug of some type.

So for now there doesn’t seem to be an answer on how to get the Gusenber Sweeper back, but it is nice to know that Rockstar are aware of the issue and they are working to fix things following the update to GTA 5.1.1.

via Rockstar Support

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