Fallout 4: Breaking New Ground?

Gamers were last able to enjoy a new Fallout game over four years ago and this has led to them to wonder if Bethesda are going to release Fallout 4 and if so when. It is thought that the game would start from where Fallout New Vegas finished.

Fallout has been one of the most successful franchises in the gaming industry and Fallout 4 will continue the success and maybe surpass its predecessors. However if it is to do this then some things do need to be changed.

Recently IBTimes said that gamers wanted to see more by way of weapons in the game. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic world, which means that danger is everywhere. There is a limited amount of weapons in the game and gamers want more choices to help them survive.

Since Fallout 3 and New Vegas gamers have been left to make big choices early in the game. This is something that should also happen in Fallout 4.

As life is lonely when wandering around the wasteland it would be nice if gamers were able to start up their own factions. They could have to work as teams to solve riddles and stay alive.

These are just some of the many things that gamers have said they would like to see in Fallout 4. Let’s hope that Bethesda have been listening to them.

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