Not that long back a hoax website with the name of Survivor2299 appeared online and it managed to fool many people waiting for news about Fallout. Not it could be about to happen all over again with Dishonoured.
Bethesda has been keeping quiet about the game, which has left fans of the franchise believing any bit of information that comes out online.
Dishonoured 2 hasn’t even been announced yet, but one follower of the series said that they had received and email with the logo of the game, a date for release and a hastag link.
The email went viral of course, with the sender’s particulars having been erased and this makes the email look very fishy. The text of the email said “Witness the full reveal at E3 2014.” In addition to that, the hashtag reads “#DarknessOfTyvia”.
While the email looks like the real thing, thanks to it being nicely laid out, you do have to consider how the Fallout community was duped and take it with a pinch of salt.
Bethesda has not spoken up, but last time they said that people should be wary of what they read.