Anyone waiting for news about Fallout 4 is in for some bade news again from the developer. It seems that Fallout 4 is not going to be coming out anytime soon and of course this is devastating for gamers wanting to get their hands on the game.
Pete Hines, the president of Bethesda Softworks said through Twitter that nothing is going to be announced about the game and it won’t be for some time. He said this when asked by BGS to give clues about the game.
He didn’t give any indication as to how long gamers will have to wait to hear about the game. It has been said that we will hear about it in 2015, while other people have said it will be 2016. Of course Fallout fans have to be patient as they have had to wait for a long time in between Fallout 2 and 3.
So it looks like gamers won’t see or hear anything about Fallout 4 in the near future apart for leaks, rumours and speculation.