Dragon Age 3: Reaper Agents Detailed

The much anticipated third sequel to the Dragon Age franchise, Dragon Age 3, is nearing its release and it will be one of the biggest gaming titles this year.

Game developer Bioware has already revealed that Dragon Age 3 will run on a brand new Frostbite engine which will open the doors to plenty of new possibilities.

Apart from a huge open play map, Dragon Age 3 will offer a more realistic gameplay. Players can now participate in keeps unlock quests in various areas which will act as the centre point of the game’s regions.

On top of that, players will get the opportunity to be the boss of the keeps by hiring agents which will reshape the Keep. Such an act will boost the soldier’s morale which will come in handy when an invasion occurs.

There is also the business aspect of the game. You can send 10 agents to build a mine on top of a sulphur pit and earn you some gold.

Dragon Age 3 will be released to the next-gen consoles which will give it a massive upgrade graphically.

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