How To Downgrade From iOS 7.1 Back To iOS 7 (iTunes)

With each new version of iOS that comes out the jailbreaking community get thrown into chaos. In the past it wasn’t long after Apple launched a new version that the jailbreaking community offered a jailbreak. Since the launch of iOS 7.1 this has been stopped. When people updated to iOS 7.1 they lost the jailbreak … Read more

Evasi0n iOS 7.1.1 iPhone 5 & 5S Untethered Jailbreak Hopes Dropped For Focus On iOS 8?

The iOS 7.1.1 has caused nothing but chaos in the jailbreak community. Apple revealed that their latest mobile OS is built with security in mind. This means that jailbreaking the iPhones won’t be possible. Apple does make a strong point and it might be true as well. There might not be any jailbreak being developed … Read more

New $25 iPhone Plan Announced

Are network carriers ripping us off? They plant satellites in space and put up some machines to transmit data. Once those are done, it is all shaking legs and charging subscription from its customers. Well, this isn’t the case for carriers in France. iPhone users in the French nation are blessed with the cheapest subscription … Read more Protection Status