BMW Admits Being Shocked By Massive Demand For i8

Picture a sports car that has a face which looks like it is wearing a medieval, Roman helmet and you will find yourself thinking about the BMW i8. The EV coupe became the centre of a buzz earlier today when BMW revealed on how they are struggling to meet the strong demand.

Retailing at $136,500, the all-new i8 is not cheap to own at all. Regardless of the steep pricing, many still ordered the car due to its sheer beauty and promising EV performance.

The demand for the i8 is so huge that the waiting time for the car now averages at four and a half months. BMW is astonished by the popularity of the i8 and hence called for maximum output at their production facility in Leipzig.

In figures, the manufacturing plant now produces a maximum of 20 cars a day. BMW is hoping that the consumers are able to stay patient as they aim to have sufficient supply to meet the inclining demand for the i8.

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