What’s Mega Man X Doing In Dead Rising 3??


The release of the Dead Rising 3 is just around the corner. The latest instalment of the Dead Rising game franchise promised to bring a lot of things included the Ultimate Capcom Tribute which was spoiled by a famous gaming news website. Recently, Capcom Vancouver and Microsoft studios had authorized the release of a few … Read more

Mass Effect 4: What We Already Know

Bioware have made some excellent progress with their new Mass Effect 4 game, which everyone assumes will be called Mass Effect 4. Recently Bioware took to Twitter and they talked about how great the game was coming along and of course fans were ecstatic to hear it. Casey Hudson then took to doing some Tweeting … Read more

Assassins Creed 4 In 1080p Glory!

Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag is going to be in 1080p on the PS4 and it should be breath-taking. However anyone who wants to see the game in full 1080p will have to download a title update, but the good news is that it should come out just after release. Even if you don’t have … Read more

iOS 7.0.3 Untethered Jailbreak – As if the First Lot of Good News Wasn’t Enough!

Ever since the iOS 7 was released, the iDevices owners had been waiting for an untethered jailbreak for Apple’s latest mobile operating system. Currently, all of the iDevices owners had their eyes on the Evad3rs. The Evad3rs had previously served the iDevices owners with reliable jailbreaks. Currently, the Evad3rs had not yet released an untethered … Read more

Let’s Go to the Dojo! Shenmue Headed for PS4!

Sony is currently working around the clock to bring the Playstation fans the games that they had been demanding for. Among the Games that Sony is currently trying to bring to the Playstation is Shenmue. This news was told by Adam Boyes to Kotaku. Boyes said; “When we started the third-party production team, it was … Read more

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