iOS 7.1 Update Bows Down To Evasi0n Untethered Jailbreak Creator!

Who knew that both Apple and Evasi0n can get along even for a second? The duo might be enemies with each other but the recent iOS7.1 update tells a whole different story.

Following the release of this latest OS from Apple, the American tech-giant have been applauding the team of hackers for pointing out the flaws of the iOS.

Unless you’ve heard, EvasiOn once revealed that the iOS 7 has so many loopholes to it. In detail, the iOS 7 have many security issues which involves Backup, the Certificate Trust Policy, Configurration Profiles, CoreCapture, Crash Reporting, dyld, FaceTime, ImageIO, IOKit HID Event, iTunes Store, Kernel, Office Viewer, Photos Backend, Profiles, Safari, Settings, SpringBoard, SpringBoard Lock Screen, the TelephonyUI Framework, USB Host, Video Driver, and WebKit.

Of course, these team that has been responsible for jailbreaking every iOS around has send the necessary fixing to their jailbreaks.

On the other hand, there is Apple that has this policy to credit the security researcher who discovers vulnerabilities in their products. As such, Apple has went public and praised Evasi0n for their discoveries.

With a new and improved iOS 7.1, Evasi0n are probably scratching their heads as they will find it hard to jailbreak this latest OS from Apple. Protection Status