Evasi0n iOS 7 Jailbreak Now Works With iOS 7.0.6

The jailbreaking team have spoken out on Twitter and said that Evasi0n 7 now supports iOS 7.0.6.

It has been said that the latest update from Apple plugs a hole on the SSL connection verification procedure and this sounds like Apple intend to shut down exploits with it.

@MuscleNerd, one of the members of the Evad3rs team went onto Twitter to talk about the beta 6 of iOS 7 and how it seems to have an important fix. This could indicate that iOS devices that are upgraded could get locked out of jailbreaking their handset.

He said that owners of devices who wanted the jailbreak should not update or they could regret it forever.

The Evad3rs then posted an answer to Apple and their security issues for iOS 7. On the official website of theirs is says that Evasi0n build 1.0.6 has been designed to work with iOS 7.0.6.

Fans are now asking when the final jailbreak tool for iOS 7.1 will come out.

This of course is down to the next move of Apple, but some people think that Team Evad3rs should have iOS 7.1 in its complete form, with no more betas to come, they could then set about re-coding Evasi0n7 in the final form.

There has been a lot of talk about when Apple will finalise the OS, with some saying it could be March. Apple would then turn to the next gen which may be iOS 7.2 or even iOS 8.

We have also heard talk that Apple will continue to release beta versions until the next version of their iOS comes around. This would be to put a stop to hackers and would take a lot of work.

So the race between Apple and Team Evad3rs is continuing and the end is nowhere in sight, this means fans of jailbreaking will have to wait and we could see more beta versions from Apple before the release of the jailbreak in its final form.

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