It wasn’t that long ago when Google rolled out the Android version 4.4, also known as KitKat, and the tech giant is now looking forward to release the next Android which is still unnamed. The upcoming Android 4.5 or 5.0 will boast a whole new system which will improve every Android device.
At the moment, all of the Android versions ever created are running on Dalvik Runtime which is great itself. Ever since Android started, Google has been lacking the resources to create a powerful Runtime service. Due to that, the company opted for Dalvik Runtime to manage its OS.
Today, smartphones are no longer weak. There is no longer a phone with an outdated processor or RAM fewer than 512MB. As such, Google has been developing a new Runtime service known as ART (Android Runtime). While it may be similar to the Dalvik, it does offer something much better to users.
Unlike the Dalvik which has just-in-time compilation instructions, ART will offer users ahead-of-time compilation. This basically means an improved app performance and a major reduction with the startup time. More importantly, users can enjoy a much better battery life as the CPU is not in demand like how it was with Dalvik.
The Android 4.5 (5.0) is still in works and consumers can expect it to arrive late this year or even the next. At the moment, only the test versions are rolled out and app developers are first to get their hands on it. This is to give their list of apps that necessary update so that consumers won’t have a hard time with compatibility when Android 4.5 gets released.