Apple iOS 9.2.1 Update: What You Need To Know

The Apple iOS 9.2.1 update is now available. Here is what the update will include when it arrives on you iPad, iPod Touch or iPhone.

The iOS 9.2.1 will mostly be about improving and fixing the iOS 9.2. The iOS 9.2 update was a big one but it was also riddled with bugs. The iOS 9.2.1 will come with a few fixes for the iOS 9.2 along with a few security updates.

One of the issues that they will be fixing will be the issue whereby apps could not be installed completely when using an MDM server. The iOS 9.2.1 update will help prepare the iOS 9 for the next big update, the iOS 9.3.

The iOS 9.3 update will be coming in with a few new features including the new Night Shift which will change the lighting of the screen at night so that their users can sleep better. It is believed that the iOS 9.3 update will be coming this spring.

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