Fallout 4 Won’t Come With Best Graphics?

There is a lot of excitement for Fallout 4, despite of the fact that Bethesda has yet to confirm anything on the future sequel. Nonetheless, Fallout fans are certain that Fallout 4 is going to be the first title from the highly successful franchise to debut on the latest Xbox One and PS4.

However, this does not mean that Fallout 4 will come with spectacular graphics. Apparently, there is a high chance for Fallout 4 to run on the same game engine that was used on Skyrim and if it does happen, the game will only look decent at best when being played on the latest gaming hardwares.

This is evident if Fallout fans are to look at the previous title, Fallout 3. Back then, the game was developed on Elder Scrolls Oblivion’s game engine that is further tweaked to look splendid.

Of course, this is not to say that Elder Scrolls Skyrim’s game engine don’t look good at all. The latest Elder Scrolls title does look splendid but what is worrying is the fact that the game engine is tailored for the older-gen consoles. When played on the Xbox One or PS3, Skyrim will only look decent at best.

In addition to that, the idea for Bethesda to produce a brand new game engine for Fallout 4 sounds unlikely to happen. After all, doing so will require extensive resources and many years to complete. Bethesda will surely stick to Skryim’s game engine for Fallout 4 due to its ease in development.

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