Dragon Age 3 Inquisition: Multiple Protagonists Hinted

One of the biggest titles heading to the next-gen consoles it Dragon Age 3. This upcoming third sequel to the highly successful Dragon Age franchise will be the first AAA RPG game to arrive on both the Xbox One and PS4.

Dragon Age 3 is far in development now and players can’t wait for its release. As a result, the fans have been bombarding Bioware with questions related to the upcoming game. One popular question which enquired on the voice actors for the different races that are made playable got responded by Mike Laidlaw.

The project’s creative director claims that the developers have yet to discuss on that but will do so when the Dragon Age 3 is nearing its launch.

Bioware did made it known that Dragon Age 3 will be the first Dragon Age game to have four playable races which consists of both genders as well. This simply means that 8 voice actors are needed to play these characters. Having so much voice actors for the protagonist can be really extreme and rare to come by. However it is not impossible after looking at the likes of Star Wars The Old Republic.

Mike Laidlaw even pointed out that there is so much talking in Star Wars The Old Republic hinting that the idea of having 8 different voice actors to play the protagonist is not ridiculous after all.

Aside from all that, fans certainly can’t wait to see Dragon Age 3 arriving on their console. With every passing day, it won’t be long until the game gets released.

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